Trying To Conceive! 

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You would think getting pregnant might be the easiest thing on earth to do. Apparently fifteen year old girls only have to think about having nocturnals and they’re up the duffer while everywhere you look babies are travelling in multi coloured perambulators. However, for lots of people, it’s clearly not as easy as it sounds!

I want to have another baby. Really, really I do! It might sound greedy as I have two of the best babies already but I can’t help it. I AM greedy and I want another of those perfect little creatures I seem to make so beautifully. There is though, a bit of a spanner in the works even given the best case scenario of highest fertility; my husband works away in the week which does make scheduling the rudie dance somewhat less successful when it comes to ‘doing it’ at the right time!

I’ve never had problems getting pregnant in the past but these days, coupled with ‘lack of contact’, I’m worried about being older (36 to be precise) and it not being as easy as pie like it once seemed to be… The fact that my husband has been MIA during ‘optimum fertilisation time’ for the past six months and we’ve not really had a chance to find out only concerns me further… Every day I gallop towards 37, another year older and further away from a realistic pregnancy. Have we left it too late for that third magic number regardless of everyone’s whereabouts?!

Every month recently and I’ve known it just isn’t going to happen. Sadly ‘thinking about it’, like the teens seem to do, doesn’t suffice in real life and ‘the deed’ absolutely does have to be done. On time. No dilly dallying. So, for the first time ever I’ve been reading up on ‘when is the best moment’ as although I do sorta know, I just wanted to be sure. What I’ve found is it’s a pretty bloody miricle that anyone gets put in the club at all – the window of opportunity is SO small and even then it doesn’t necessarily mean a big green light!

Apparently, around day 14 of your cycle (that’s with day 1 being the first day of your period) ovulation occurs for the majority of people. There’s a lot of vague advice about how for lots of us it could be on day 12 or 17 or any flipping other day, which is helpful – not – I mean the advice is really so grey it’s almost as if they’ve made the whole thing up! Anyway, after ovulation (whenever that is for every different person) the egg has, so I’ve discovered, only a 12-24 hour window to get hit with the magic formula before it’s rendered useless! Great!

It’s not all doom and gloom however because according to the info I’ve discovered on line, unlike our withery, fair weather, easily destroyed eggs, the sperm have a much more robust life span, there’s LOADS of ’em and they can live quite happily, hanging around while waiting for the queen egg to appear for days! This means you can ‘do it’ lots before ovulation and hope one of ‘the boys’ doesn’t get bored of waiting, thinking he’s been stood up and makes his way to party land!

Obviously this means, as far as I can see, that it’s mostly ideal if my bloke is about prior to the great egg release rather than après tube travel… Give the little egglets as much of a chance as possible I say! Only with a husband working away 5 days out of 7 and it’s not always possible to follow the rule…

While my husband’s frequent absence does scupper the situation somewhat, I am at an advantage in another respect. Believe it or not, I do actually know exactly when I’m ovulating. The body is a strange and wonderful thing and every month, like clockwork, I am one of those who ovulates on day 14 come rain or shine. You can see lots of ‘symptoms of ovulation’ here as I’d rather not go into details but let’s just say I recognise all of them. I even know exactly what side the egg is on as I genuinely feel it release! Weird huh?! Thankfully because of this fantastic window of transparency from my womb I don’t have to pee on wooden sticks every day for confirmation of ‘when’! And although I clearly know that any adventures of the horizontal tango in the recent past, although perhaps fun, will not have resulted in my becoming pregnant, I also know when they might be in the future so can plan accordingly!

We HAVE to move – it really shouldn’t be this scientific should it?!

Anyway… And this might be a little of what the kid’s call #TMI, I happen to be on about hour 20 of post (left hand side FYI) egg shoot and… He’s just walked in the door… He’s finally home within the ‘window’ (just) so I really do have to dash! I could be about to create, due to my age, a geriatric pregnancy! GERIATRIC?! What the actual bobbins?!?! But that’s a whole other story…

I wonder if conception is this strategic, planned and wondered about for everyone? What say you?

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