A Mobile Of Butterflies!

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When they stay with my Mum the children take great delight in going into the garden with her and one of her insect books to find the mini beasts they can see on the pages. If they’re not out specifically looking but find a new creature then they rush to get the books out and look them up to find out what they are and take such delight in doing so. It’s free but yet lots of fun and something we don’t really get to do in London as we don’t have a garden.

At the moment they are mainly looking at butterflies and moths because it’s the right season so when we were sent a Butterfly Mobile Making Craft Kit from the Natural History Museum it couldn’t have been more topical!

The Butterfly Mobile Making Kit comes with a mini booklet to go and spot butterflies with!
The Butterfly Mobile Making Kit comes with a mini booklet to go and spot butterflies with!

The booklet that comes with it has pictures and information about all the butterfly species depicted for the kit and encourages you to find each one in the paper butterflies provided before you make the mobile up. We decoded that we wanted to take it outside and search for the butterflies for real but we did use it to find out about the species we were looking at when making the mobile.

Florence loves a craft pack and although this one needs a tiny bit of help fro a grown up, for the most part, she could do it on her own. She needed a bit of help with knot tying and ribbon cutting but the sticking was all well within her capabilities. Making the kit took about an hour and she thoroughly enjoyed it while the end result is very pretty.

Making up the mobile we cut the ribbons and dished out the paper butterflies into piles so that each strand would have a few on it!
Making up the mobile we cut the ribbons and dished out the paper butterflies into piles so that each strand would have a few on it!
The Butterfly Mobile after we put it together!
The Butterfly Mobile after we put it together!

The kit costs £8 and provided entertainment, something to concentrate on, an exercise for us to do together and then something lovely to keep. We enjoyed making it and like the kit a lot!

We were sent the kit for the purpose of an honest review.

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