Chicco Echo – A Review!

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When I was pregnant with Jimmy we got a Chicco Echo Twin Stroller which I reviewed on my blog. I thought it was light weight, easy to push and it folded up very small which is great as our car isn’t exactly huge! I don’t very often use a buggy as a double these days however, as Florence likes to walk, so instead I have been trying out the Echo Twin’s single sister, simply the Echo, to see how it compares.

I do like an umbrella fold for holidays and this one is absolutely perfect. Don’t get me wrong, you could happily use this buggy every single day but the reason I like this type of buggy for trips abroad is that they are so robust and will take being chucked around by baggage handlers far better than big push chairs which cost lots of money! Simple folds, small and compact and will take a lot of bashing! The only thing I don’t like so much about an umbrella fold is that the push is very often tough and you need easy terrain. This is on the whole however and I have found with Chicco umbrella folds (I’ve pushed a few) that they glide rather nicely and with little effort. Its never going to be like pushing a big buggy but Chicco seems to be the easiest I have found so far!

Putting the Echo together was very simple. I’ve put lots of umbrella fold buggies together and they are often easy. This one doesn’t have any of the wheels attached as some do and I thought that might make it a bit harder but actually they all went on very easily. It took Jonny around five minutes to put the back wheels on using the manual and without even needing to read instructions, a couple of seconds to click the from swivel wheels in place. Same for the hood which took second to click on and then we were away.

Boxed, all the bits out and up in under 10 minutes!

Immediately I had a play with the buggy and decided on the features I like the most. As someone who has used a lot of buggies it doesn’t take me long to see what the good and bad points might be.


The recline which can go from straight backed to fully reclined and positions inbetween, is suitable from birth. I like the fact that it goes completely flat and the strap[s are very adjustable for differently sized children. Using the recline is with a squeeze handle at the back and requires no hard work whatsoever!
The second immediate feature I like, and it’s something that all the Chicco umbrella folds I have used have, is the adjustable area for legs. When asleep you have it up and down when awake. It’s easy to use with a squeeze of buttons either side! Not all makes have this feature but it’s one I like!

I could also see immediately that it would easily accommodate Florence. She doesn’t go in a buggy very often but sometimes it’s necessary, especially on holiday when I might transfer Jimmy to a sling in order to give her a break. In the evening we like to go out to eat and she is often tired by the time we walk back to wherever we are staying so she needs to be able to fit. The Echo takes children, they say, from 0-36 months. Florence is 3 and a half but she is quite light so this is still fine for her.

Florence posed to show how she could easily, at three and a half, fit in the Chicco Echo!

I also like and have found when using to be excellent details, the front lockable swivel wheels, the roomy under storage basket and the easy fold using your foot to push one lever up and again for a second lever down before it folds neatly.

Some umbrella folds do not have decent wheels but this one does. Another area that is often forgotten is the storage basket which when holidaying is essential and this one is on the larger side with easy access. A very simple foot powered fold makes it easy to get on and off public transport which is especially good when flying!

This buggy is 7.7kg, a touch heavier than the last Chicco umbrella fold I reviewed, the LiteWay. It’s still not particularly heavy and can easily be carried using the handle once folded and locked into place. If I had to choose which of the Echo or LiteWay I preferred I’m afraid I would go with the LiteWay purely on weight as it does feel much lighter despite not actually being tremendously different. I would say however that the Echo has better wheels at the front and might be slightly easier to push, I just found the LiteWay a little more suitable for being on holiday that this one but it’s a good alternative!

The best feature despite being a good push and comfortable is that it fits, with all the wheels still on it, in the boot of our 3 door Corsa. Not a lot of umbrella folds do and wheels have to be popped off or it has to go in on a diagonal. This fits snuggly but perfectly!

Easy to carry, small when folded and fits in our small boot!

All in all this has some great attributes for a buggy in general and is perfect for a holiday buggy. My Mum found it very easy to push and has been keeping it at her house as a biggy to use. She lives in the countryside and it pushes well on all terrain so we are very pleased with it. Jimmy is very comfortable sitting in his bright blue buggy and we think it’s a great buy!

A walk in the Echo!

I have not been paid to write this post.







3 thoughts on “Chicco Echo – A Review!

  1. Have a great holiday! Did your Mum give it the grandma fold test? I bought a buggy half for the grandparents purely because it was so easy to fold and they can’t do anything with many of them 😉 xx

  2. I think Echo is very stylish and modern looking. The colors are to die for! The wheels could be a little better. I don’t know how long it will last. Susan

  3. I have the Chicco London stroller, and I find my daughter slouches no matter how tight the straps are and the cosy toes slips too.
    think I may invest in this one instead

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