5 top tips for Decorating a Room on a Budget!

This entry was posted in Home Decor.

When it comes to decorating, it’s no secret that to get a room looking exactly how you’d envisioned it in your mind can be a pretty pricey endeavour. However, when armed with a few tricks of the trade and handy tips at your disposal, you can save yourself a lot of money whilst creating the room of your dreams.

With a small budget in mind, we’ve put together a few tips for sticking to it and still getting the most out of your space.

1. Be ruthless when it comes to decluttering

Eliminating mess and clutter is the perfect way to make a room feel refreshed and airy instantly, so when it comes to chucking things out, be ruthless! If you’re not sure whether to get rid of something, ask yourself whether it adds value to a room or your life. If not – it needs to go. Being able to make a little extra cash through online sites that let you recycle Apple products and other old electronics collecting dust in your home can give you a little extra incentive to get rid of things you no longer use. While being ruthless can help you overcome the growing pile of stuff, it isn’t the be-all, end-all solution. In London boroughs like Greenwich, storage space is hard to come by, and no amount of decluttering can keep your home neat and tidy for long. The reality is that housing options are built smaller in major cities to save on living cost and space. Supplement your decluttering by looking into self storage facilities in Greenwich. With a storage unit on hand, you will be able to store bulky items that usually create dead space in your home. And everybody knows that additional clutter does not make for a good working base when redecorating. Besides having an additional place to store things makes it easier to clear out your space for any repair or remodelling work.


2. Make the most of what you already have

Who says that redecorating a room means that you have to replace absolutely everything in it? If there are pieces in the room that you love, keep them! You could even change things up so that different things become different focal points to give the room a whole different feel. You could also look into the art of upcycling if you’re feeling particularly creative and crafty. There are some amazing upcycling ideas on Pinterest to get you inspired.

3. Work out ways in which little things can make a big difference

If you’ve ever heard the phrase ‘it’s all in the details’, it’s definitely worth remembering that when it comes to redecorating. As mentioned above, you don’t need to replace absolutely everything. A few simple changes could have a surprisingly large impact and won’t break the bank.

A few examples of little things that could make a big difference include:

  • Creating a feature wall. This could be something as simple as painting one wall in a room a different colour or creating a photo gallery.
  • Adding a new lampshade to your overhead light. This could be something subtle to calm down the room, or something quirky that serves as a statement feature. 
  • Adding a rug to an empty floor. Rugs can help to fill those empty voids of flooring, while adding a sense of comfort to a room. You can explore rug designs at sites like Rugstore NE
  • Adding some houseplants. These can bring a burst of life to any room, although you’ll need to make sure there’s enough natural light coming into the room.


4. Hunt around for the best prices possible

Take to the thrift stores and big megastores like IKEA to find great bargains. This sort of shopping might not be everyone’s cup of tea but if you’re patient and are willing to hunt through things, you’re bound to be converted. Shopping online is also a great idea. If you hunt around you can even get things like curtains much cheaper than you’d first thought. Buying fabrics online might sound a little risky, but opting for one with a good reputation such as https://thesnugco.com/ will help put your mind at rest (and will save you half the money).

5. Understand where to scrimp and where to splurge

When it comes to updating certain things in your room, it’s important not to cheap out on everything, especially big, functional pieces of furniture. After all, no one wants to sleep on a horrible, cheap bed, or end up with their clothes all over the floor when their cheap wardrobe collapses. Think about big pieces of furniture as more of an investment, and look for other ways in which you can save money so these aren’t compromised.


Post by David Ryan.

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